Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Tribute

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to write, however, I can really only write when something or someone truly inspires me. That does not mean I can't write when I am not inspired, it just takes longer to find the right words. Anyway, on September 10th, there was a documentary on the History Channel about "The Falling Man" Most of you reading this should remember the image from any September 12, 2001 newspaper. This is an image the caused great controversy, so much that it was never printed again.
This documentary was the inspiration for the poem you are about to read:

The Falling Man

The falling man
Who can he be?
No one knows with certainty

His photo appeared in papers around
The stunning image made the world see
The dynamics of this tragedy

All of those above the impact zone
Knew almost certain
They would not be going home

Saying good-bye to those they hold close
Holding back tears and choking on smoke

Many decided they would not wait
For they already knew their own fate

100, 200 maybe more
Plunged to their death on the concrete floor

No one wants to talk about these numbers
They are only known as the tower jumpers

These people were real
With families and friends
No one should have to face such a tragic end

The falling man image
Made the world see
The dynamics of this tragedy

I dedicate this to all those who died that tragic day September 11th, 2001

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